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我是湖南人,新中国成立后不久,一家人到北京定居,父亲一定要我报考师大女附中,因为该校师资强,升学率高。当时女附中不少学生来自国家领导人的家庭,毛泽东、刘少奇、邓小平、刘伯承、彭真、叶剑英等人的女儿、侄女、妹妹都在女附中读书。我能被录取吗? I am a native of Hunan. Not long after the founding of New China, my family settled in Beijing. My father must ask for me to apply for a high school girl because her teachers are strong and her enrollment rate is high. At that time, many of the women in the middle school attached themselves to the families of state leaders. Daughters, nieces and sisters of Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiaoping, Liu Bocheng, Peng Zhen and Ye Jianying all studied in the middle school. Can I be accepted?
<正>刺参(Apstichopus japonicus),俗称海参,属棘皮动物门,具有滋阴壮阳和药物疗效等功能(Liao et al.,1997),是我国北方沿海重要的海水养殖品种(Chen,1990)。近几年,刺参养