Leukemia-like response is an abnormal reaction of hematopoietic tissue produced by the body in a disease state, in which abnormal high-value white blood cells or high-value immature white blood cells appear in the peripheral blood, and the leukemia-like reaction only refers to abnormalities of simple white blood cell system, And does not include other reactions with similar physical components.Other systemic cells in the blood may have an abnormal response to the similar mechanism of leukemia reaction, and it is not uncommon for the combined leukocyte system to produce such reactions in the same period, but not to leukemia Reaction within the scope of the current thought that leukemia reaction and leukocytosis in some sense only “volume” of the difference, but with leukemia is “qualitative.” However, leukemia patients with leukocyte response, according to the organization Learning and histochemical data, not with normal white blood cells similar to leukemia response is “induced disease” (known as the primary disease) special clinical