
来源 :植物检疫 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong429
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近年来我国植物线虫病害的研究有很大发展,各个方面都有所改进提高,专业队伍日渐增大,进行了很多调查研究工作现仅依据国内出版的有关书刊文献、并结合笔者外出调查了解、同行提供的病情资料,整理出对农业生产有较大影响的线虫病害计37种和2大类(蔬菜类、热带林木类),其中有28种是新发现的病害,11种是老病害、新疫情,涉及病原线虫共26种,内有3种是我国首次发现订名的新种和1个未定种。现分别摘要叙述为下。 In recent years, great progress has been made in the research of plant nematode diseases in our country, all aspects have been improved and the number of professional teams has been gradually increased, and many investigations and research work are conducted based on the publications of books and periodicals published in China, According to the data provided by their counterparts, 37 and 2 nematode diseases (vegetables and tropical forests) that have a greater impact on agricultural production were sorted out. Of these, 28 were newly discovered diseases and 11 were old diseases, New outbreaks, involving a total of 26 species of pathogenic nematodes, there are three kinds of the first time in our country to find a new species and an undetermined species. Now summarized as the next summary.
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