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按照学者的说法,套印本始于元代,但真正广为人知,却是到了明代的万历天启年间(1573~1627年)。而这期间,搞套印本版刻的两大家就是闵氏和凌氏。而这两家都处在湖州吴兴区织里镇晟(sheng)舍村,这么一个小小的地方,竟然在出版史上留下了这等光辉的一笔,当然值得细细研究。我曾得到的一种说法:闵氏和凌氏在书籍套印本上争奇斗艳,原因就是在出版业上的竞争。这个故事要从凌漾初讲起。 According to the scholar, the overprint originated in the Yuan Dynasty, but it was widely known. However, it came to the Apocalypse of the Wanli (1573-1627) in the Ming Dynasty. During this period, Engraved Engraved version of the engraved two people is Min’s and Ling’s. Both of these are located in Sheng Village, Zhili Town, Wuxing District, Huzhou. Such a small place has left such a glorious sum in the publishing history. Of course, it is worth studying carefully. One of the explanations I’ve got is that Min’s and Ling’s contests in book covers are due to competition in the publishing industry. The story begins with Ling Yang.