从小的时候起,我就很偏爱吃鱼,无论是炖、煨、炸、蒸,总是绞尽脑汁儿变着法儿吃。后来,自觉只吃鱼已不尽人意,于是,从市场上买了鱼回来,先放在自家池内养起来,并且拿出纸、笔、墨细心描画,顿时,一条条活灵灵的鱼儿跃然纸上。嗅着这带有墨香味儿的“鱼儿”,那滋味儿好舒心呢!正在我沉醉于吃鱼、画鱼之际,一个偶然机会把我引进了钓鱼世界…… 那是1992年的秋季,我出差来到素有“塞上江南”之称的宁夏省银川市。宁夏是一个物
From an early age, I was very fond of eating fish, whether it is stewed, simmer, fried, steamed, always brains to change children to eat. Later, consciously only eat fish has been unsatisfactory, therefore, bought fish from the market back, put it in their own pool to raise up, and took out paper, pen, ink carefully painted, suddenly, a piece of lively fish Rough paper. Smell this with a smelly child “fish”, it tastes good comfortable! While I was intoxicated with eating fish and drawing fish, I occasionally introduced me to the world of fishing ... It was the fall of 1992, and I came to Yinchuan, a city known as “the stuffed Jiangnan,” on a business trip. Ningxia is a thing