海湾战争期间,美英等国兴师动众,在海湾地区投入了数十万的兵力。战争结束后,凯旋的“英雄”们尚未享尽战争“胜利”的喜悦,即受到一种可怕的疾病——“海湾战争综合症”的折磨。 突生怪疾 殃及家人 美英等国参战军人归国不久,即陆续有人发病,而且是稀奇古怪的病症。许多专家、医生对此大都是“丈二和尚摸不着头脑”,谁也说不准缘由,因而权称其为“海湾战争综合症”。 “海湾战争综合症”症状不一,大体包括:皮疹、头痛、脱发、呕吐、腹泻、失眠、眼睛红肿、语言障碍、平衡障碍、四肢疲
During the Gulf War, the United States and Britain started to mobilize forces and mobilized hundreds of thousands of troops in the Gulf region. After the war ended, the triumphant “heroes” had not enjoyed the joy of “victory” in the war, suffering from a terrible disease - the “Gulf War Syndrome”. Sudden blame diseases affect the family United States and Britain and other countries join the war soldier returned soon, that is, one after another incidence, but also weird diseases. Many experts and doctors mostly regard this as “the monk Zhangzhang puzzled over the matter.” They also said that they should not justify the reason and hence they claim to be “the Gulf War Syndrome.” Symptoms of “Gulf War Syndrome” include: rash, headache, hair loss, vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia, redness of the eyes, speech impairment, balance disorders, tiredness in the extremities