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通过并购与合作,采埃孚正在日益清晰地勾勒出其在智能互联领域下的规划与布局,而其新兴业务也代替传统业务,成为外界关注的焦点在采埃孚最近一次的全球沟通会上,采埃孚的变速箱负责人似乎有些“落寞”。6月21日,采埃孚位于奥地利的体验营里,这位过去被内部称做“Superstar”(超级明星)的高管,一个人坐在硕大的休息区一个挨着墙的餐桌上,摆弄着手机。 Through mergers and acquisitions and cooperation, ZF is increasingly clearly outlining its planning and layout in the field of intelligent interconnection, and its emerging business to replace the traditional business has become the focus of outside attention at ZF’s most recent global communication meeting , ZF’s gearbox manager seems a bit “lonely ”. On July 21, ZF was located in an experiential camp in Austria, the former executive called “Superstar” (superstar) inside, who sat on a table next to a huge seating area , Tweak the phone.