
来源 :深空探测学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenlingqiang6268047
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随着大型可展开环形天线在航天器上的应用,口径越来越大,指标更加严格,卫星姿控、轨控、太阳翼驱动等导致的机械运动必然会引起大型反射面天线的振动,从而造成电性能降低,影响任务完成质量。提供了一种获取大型环形天线在轨振动影响的刚–柔–姿控一体化分析方法,建立了集扰动源、整星刚柔耦合动力学模型、姿态控制系统、天线振动影响分析的一体化仿真分析模型,实现了在典型扰动模式下的环形天线的振动响应计算、环形天线整体指向和变形计算。分析结果为天线在轨振动影响分析、性能指标预示、振动传递机理及抑制措施提供支持。 With the application of large deployable loop antenna in spacecraft, the aperture is larger and the index is more strict. The mechanical motion caused by satellite attitude control, orbit control, solar wing drive and so on will inevitably cause the vibration of the large reflecting antenna. Resulting in reduced electrical performance, affecting the quality of the task to complete. A rigid-flexible-attitude integrated analysis method for obtaining the influence of on-orbit vibration of a large loop antenna is provided, and the integration of perturbation source, rigid-flexible coupling dynamics model of the whole satellite, attitude control system and antenna vibration analysis is established Simulation analysis model, the realization of a typical disturbance mode loop antenna vibration response calculation, the overall orientation of the loop antenna and deformation calculation. The analysis results provide support for the analysis of vibration effects of the antenna in-orbit, prediction of performance indicators, vibration transmission mechanism and suppression measures.
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1 项目背景rn1)位置:项目位于深圳福田中心区正北方10公里,宝安区龙华镇梅龙大道与布龙公路交汇处.
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