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《中华人民共和国药典中药彩色图集》是由国家卫生部药典委员会组织国内著名专家共同编写的,是建国以来由国家组织编制的第一部大型中药彩色图鉴。该书出版后得到了国内外医药界专家学者和广大专业技术人员的一致好评。被誉为质量一流的优秀巨著。它的出版对于确保国家药品标准的正确执行,弘扬中华民族的优秀文化遗产均起到了积极的作用。作为该书的责任编辑,在组织、编辑、制作此书的过程中,感受颇多,特写出与广大编辑同仁共勉。 “The People’s Republic of China Pharmacopoeia color map of traditional Chinese medicine” by the State Ministry of Health Pharmacopoeia Committee jointly organized by the well-known domestic experts, is the establishment of the State Organization since the establishment of the first large-scale color map of traditional Chinese medicine. After the book was published at home and abroad medical experts and scholars and the vast majority of professional and technical personnel alike. Known as the best quality masterpiece. Its publication has played a positive role in ensuring the correct implementation of national drug standards and carrying forward the excellent cultural heritage of the Chinese nation. As the editor in charge of the book, in organizing, editing, making this book in the process, feel a lot, close-up and colleagues in the majority of editors encourage each other.
所谓隐含条件,是指题中若暗若明、含而不露的条件.一般来说,它们常巧妙地隐蔽在题设或结论的背后,不易为人们所觉察.在数学解题中,隐含条件具有干扰性、迷惑性,常给解题带来消极因素.若能注意到题中隐含条件,往往会使解题结果更具有完整性、准确性.下面就解析几何中常见的忽略隐含条件导致的错误进行分析,并给出对策.  1.忽略曲线方程点的坐标取值范围限制  例1 若点P(x,y),满足3x2+2y2=6x,试