
来源 :中国花卉盆景 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fuwanyi
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盛花后的杜鹃叶片凋落以至枯死,是常有的事。分析起来,水土不服是致死的主要原因。杜鹃是喜酸性花卉,pH值5~6.5最好,酸碱度符合要求则活,不符合则死。而我们当地水土属碱性,自来水的 pH 值为7.8,如何养得了杜鹃?笔者于2003年春季盛花期过后,廉价买回4盆荷兰彩霞杜鹃,分别用4种办法培养,统观了他们营养生长、孕蕾和开花的全过程。我发现其实不仅雨水可以养杜鹃,自来水也一样可以养,只不过自来水的酸碱度需要调整至5左右。1~# 浇雨水。这是花卉爱好者常用的办法。因为雨水是软水,效果自然好。9月25日开花,花径11厘米。2~# 浇硫酸亚铁水。配制时为避免硫酸亚铁水沉淀失效,1升自来水中先加入食醋1~2汤匙,使 pH 值为5。然后称取0.12克硫酸亚铁(称取微量化学物质,可参阅本刊2003年第7期《配 Blooming rhododendron leaves litter as well as dead, is a common occurrence. Analysis, acclimatized death is the main reason. Rhododendron is acidic flowers, the best pH value of 5 to 6.5, pH is living meet the requirements, do not meet then die. And our local soil and water is alkaline, tap water pH value of 7.8, how to get a rhododendron? Author in the spring of 2003 after the flowering period, cheap buy 4 pots of Holland Caixia rhododendron, respectively, with 4 ways to cultivate, the overall system of their nutrition Growth, pregnancy buds and flowering of the whole process. I found that in fact, not only rain can raise rhododendron, tap water can also be the same, but tap water pH needs to be adjusted to about 5. 1 ~ # pouring rain water. This is a popular method for flower lovers. Because the rain is soft water, the effect is good. September 25 flowering, flower diameter 11 cm. 2 ~ # pouring ferrous sulfate water. To avoid the failure of ferrous sulfate precipitation, 1 to 2 tablespoons of vinegar should be added to 1 liter of tap water to make the pH value be 5. Then weighed 0.12 grams of ferrous sulfate (weighed trace chemical substances, see the issue of 2003 No. 7 "with
动态对比剂增强磁共振成像(dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging, DCE-MRI)是一种广泛用于检测肿瘤血管生长情况的成像方法。一方面,由于DCE-MRI的动态特性
在“吃”这个问题上,无所不吃的勇士们其实是很危险的。这决非危言耸听,而是真理。 请看两个事实: (一)据最新的科研结果表明,非洲之所以是艾滋病的发源地,就与某些非洲人的
Although mammography still remains the gold standard for breast cancer screening and diagnosis,it typically cannot differentiate benign from malignant disease a