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  全球权威娱乐杂志People(《人物》)近来公布了“2007年全球最美丽人物”的百人名单。童星出身,曾3度入榜的Drew Barrymore(德鲁·巴里摩尔)居冠;凭借《女王》拿下本届奥斯卡最佳女主角的Helen Mirren(海伦·米兰)也以61岁高龄登上榜单;近来炙手可热的《越狱》男主角Wentworth Miller(温特沃什·米勒)和亚洲新天王Rain都榜上有名。
  1. Drew Barrymore / 德鲁·巴里摩尔
  She was born with her acting family’s classic beauty, but Drew Barrymore, star of Charlie’s Angels (《霹雳娇娃》), credits her fun-loving approach to life for her No. 1 spot on People magazine’s annual “100 Most Beautiful People” list.
  “I just think happiness is what makes you pretty, ” she tells the magazine. “Happy people are beautiful. They become like a mirror and they reflect that happiness.”
  2. Helen Mirren / 海伦·米兰
  The Oscar-winner, British actress explains how she stays sexy at 61: “Number one, I have never smoked. When you are young, you seem indestructible(不能破坏的). As you get older, you realize how much it’s helping you. I’ve never done anything to excess, really.” She also thanks her “fundamentally sunny nature,” saying, “unhappiness etches itself on one’s face very quickly.”
  3. Wentworth Miller / 温特沃什·米勒
  The 34-year-old star of Prison Break (《越狱》) reveals the downside of having a shorn identity. “I’ve been shaving my head on and off for years, but for a low-maintenance look, it takes a lot of maintenance–I have to cut it twice a week!”
  4. Rain / 郑智薰
  South Korean pop star Rain, a pan-Asian heartthrob(迷恋的对象), has become the first entertainer from his country to make People magazine’s annual “100 Most Beautiful People” list. “I never expected this to happen to me. This is the best news for me this year,” he said.
  Since his debut in 2002, Rain, whose real name is Jung Ji-Hoon, has personified the “Korean Wave”(韩流) of pop music, films and TV dramas sweeping across Asia.
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“EI Sistema”在英语中指的是“The System”,可译为“音乐救助体系”,它是委内瑞拉以José Antonio Abreu为首的一群音乐家推行的一项教育实践活动。30多年来,这个“音乐救助体系”帮助了委内瑞拉20多万贫民窟的孩子,让他们得以学习乐器,组成乐队,进而爱上音乐,用音乐充实并改变他们的人生。当今炙手可热的青年指挥才俊古斯塔沃·杜达梅尔和广受瞩目的委内瑞拉西蒙·玻利瓦尔青年
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