12日那场赛前被炒得沸沸扬扬的“中国功 夫对美国拳击”的所谓“世纪之战”以一 个非常尴尬的动作草草收场,索然无味 之余又平添了几分厌恶。 这场比赛有一个很诱人的冠名:中 国功夫与美国职业拳击争场赛。只看这 样一个名字,就足够让人浮想联翩了。 怎么看拳击也是敌不过
On the 12th, the so-called “battle of the world” in which China’s kung fu boxing toward the United States was stirred up by a very awkward move that ended in controversy before the game was tediously addicted to a bit of disgust. The game has a very attractive title: Chinese Kung Fu and the United States Professional Boxing Stadium match. Just look at such a name, it is enough to make imagination. How to watch boxing is also an enemy