提起“系统集成商”,直到今天国内恐怕还是有不少人会将他们与“一把起子打天下”的攒机商联系起来。这种看法虽然存在着一定的片面性,但国内“传统型系统集成商”,以现在的眼光看来他们的所作所为“高科技”的成份是低了一点儿。最早的时候,系统集成商所做的只不过是在一些大型机厂商的软、硬件和数据库产品上,根据用户需求开发一些电算化功能,然后将整个系统移交给用户使用就算万事大吉了。80年代初期,随着信息技术的广泛普及,用户将其需求转移到了如何将各种不同计算环境组合在一起,统一成完整而有效的应用系统上来。从这一需求出发,系统集成商才算是有了真正的用武之地。然而恰恰是在这一阶段,从外界人眼里看来,系统集成商却演变成了IT 业内的搬运工和装配工。国内还有很
Mention “system integrators,” until today, I am afraid there are still many people will be with them and “a screwdriver hit the world,” Zanji linked. Although this view has a certain one-sidedness, the “traditional system integrators” in China now look as if the “high-tech” component of their actions is a bit low. The earliest time, the system integrators only done in some major computer manufacturers software, hardware and database products, based on user needs to develop some computerized functions, and then the entire system to the user to use even if everything is fine. In the early 1980s, with the widespread adoption of information technology, users shifted their demand to how to combine various computing environments into a complete and effective application system. From this demand, system integrators can be regarded as a real useless. However, it is precisely at this stage, from the outside world, system integrators have evolved into porters and assemblers in the IT industry. There is still very much in China