A simulated occluded cell which can be loaded by lever system was designed to study the changesof potential and pH in it with polarization of hulk specimen for the system “lCrl8NigTi-Cl-”.It wasfound that the critical stress corrosion potential lies in the same range as the corrosion potentials ofthe occluded cell.The rule of changes of potentials and pH in the occluded cell could be classifiedinto three categories:1.When the bulk specimen is polarized above the critical potential,the occluded potentials re-main nearly constant within corrosion potential range.Meanwhile,the pH in the occluded cell decreasesrapidly from 7 to 2-3.5.The stress corrosion starts and propagates because a corrosion cell of sufficientvoltage difference is established.2.When the bulk s tyecimen is polarized below the critical potential,the occluded potential alwayskeeps a few mV more positive than the bulk potential,and the pH in the occluded cell increases to higherthan bulk pH (>7).The crevice is cathodically protected.3.When the potential of bulk specimen remained in the range of the critical potential,no changeof pH and potential in the occluded cell took place.By the above relations it would be easy to evaluate occluded potential of pH from the bulk poten-tial,and one may determine whether there is danger of crevice or stress corrosion by measuring the bulkpotential.By controlling the bulk potential one could make the initiation and propagation of crevice orstress corrosion prevented.
A simulated occluded cell which can be loaded by lever system was designed to study the changes of potential and pH in it with polarization of hulk specimen for the system “lCrl8NigTi-Cl - ”. It wasfound that the critical stress corrosion potential lies in the same range as the corrosion potentials of the occluded cell. The rule of changes of potentials and pH in the occluded cell could be classifiedinto three categories: 1.When the bulk specimen is polarized above the critical potential, the occluded potentials re-main nearly constant within the corrosion potential range.Meanwhile, the pH in the occluded cell decreasesrapidly from 7 to 2-3.5. The stress corrosion starts and propagates because a corrosion cell of sufficientvoltage difference is established. 2.When the bulk s tyecimen is polarized below the critical potential, the occluded potential alwayskeeps a few mV more positive than the bulk potential, and the pH in the occluded cells increases to higherthan bulk pH (> 7). The crevice is cathodical ly protected. 3.When the potential of bulk specimen remained in the range of the critical potential, no changeof pH and potential in the occluded cell took place.By the above relations it would be easy to evaluate occluded potential of pH from the bulk potency -tial, and one may determine whether there is danger of crevice or stress corrosion by measuring the bulk potential. BY controlling the bulk potential one could make the initiation and propagation of crevice orstress corrosion prevented.