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习近平总书记在十八届中央纪委二次全会上的重要讲话,一言以蔽之,就是坚持党要管党、从严治党,以严明党的政治纪律为重点加强纪律建设,以保持党同人民群众的血肉联系为重点加强作风建设,以完善惩治和预防腐败体系为重点加强反腐倡廉建设,确保党始终成为坚强领导核心,始终保持先进性和纯洁性。把反腐败斗争提到关系党和国家生死存亡的高度来认识,把严明纪律作为党的凝聚力和执政能力的基础来强调,把改进作风视为夯实执政根基的重要工程来加 In the final analysis, General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the Second Plenary Session of the 18th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection concludes that the party must control the party, strictly administer the party and emphasize the strict discipline of the party’s political discipline in order to maintain the party’s We should focus our efforts on building a style of work in accordance with the flesh-and-blood ties with the people and strengthen the building of an anti-corruption and pro-corruption campaign with a view to improving the system of punishment and prevention of corruption so as to ensure that the party has always become a strong leading nucleus and always maintain its advanced nature and purity. The anti-corruption struggle is mentioned in relation to the life and death of the party and state to understand the strict discipline as the party’s cohesion and ability to govern the foundation to emphasize, to improve the style as an important project to consolidate the foundation of governance plus
一、大陆法系的合同效力制度和类型  大陆法系国家传统的民法理论(意思表示理论)通常将合同定义为,由相对应的两个或两个以上的意思表示的合意形成的法律行为。由此可见,大陆法系国家以意思表示的合意作为合同产生以及发生效力的基础。因此,意思表示理论是大陆法系国家的合同效力制度。后来基于对意思表示理论的修正,大陆法系国家在立法上形成了一个表示主义理论,外观信赖法理便是表示主义在立法上的一个具体表现。  以德
摘 要 在各国的经济立法体系中,对于公司中出现的关联交易的规制是个突出法学难题。改革开放后我国成为新兴的资本市场,关联交易的问题也日益突出,并严重影响了我国市场中的公平公正,破坏了资本市场对社会资源的配置,制约了我国资本市场的正常发展。本文在分析我国法律对关联交易规制不足的基础上,提出相应的完善措施。  关键词 关联交易 关联企业 实际控制  中图分类号:D922. 2 文献标识码:A  关联交易
Supported by geographical information system, using Costanza method and referring to terrestrial ecosystem service value in China, the influence of land use and
通过对重庆市主城区5个样点的蝴蝶调查,共采集蝴蝶1629只,隶属4总科8科31属49种.从整个研究区域来看,东方菜粉蝶(Pieris canidia)为优势种,青凤蝶(Graphium sarpedon)、菜粉
Concentrations of heavy metals in the intertidal gastropod Nerita lineata collected from 4 sampling stations in the intertidal zone of Dumai coastal waters have