国标《铰刀专用公差》(GB4246—84)第一条“确定铰刀公差上、下极限的原则”规定:以IT作为孔的公差,则(1) 铰刀直径的上限尺寸等于孔的最大直径减0.15IT。0.15IT的值应圆整到0.001mm的整数倍。(2) 铰刀直径的下限尺寸等于铰刀的最大直径减0.35IT。0.35IT的值应圆整到0.001mm的整数倍。
Article 1 of the National Standard “Rectangular Knife Tolerance” (GB4246-84) stipulates that: (1) The upper limit of the diameter of the reamer is equal to the maximum of the hole 0.15IT diameter reduction. The value of 0.15IT should be rounded to an integer multiple of 0.001mm. (2) The lower limit of the diameter of the reamer is equal to the maximum diameter of the reamer minus 0.35IT. The value of 0.35IT should be rounded to an integer multiple of 0.001mm.