Structured Development Environment Based on the Object-Oriented Concepts

来源 :Journal of Computer Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lideqiang163com
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The object oriented software development is a kind of promising software methodology and leading to awholly new way for solving problems. In the research on the rapid construction of Structured Development Envi-ronment (SDE)that supports detailed design and coding in software development, a generator that can gener-ate the SDE has been applied as a metatool. The kernel of SDE is a syntax-directed editor based on the ob-ject-oriented concepts. The key issue in the design of SDE is how to represent the elements of target languagewith the class concept and a program internally. In this paper, the key concepts and design of the SDE and itsgenerator as well as the implementation of a prototype are to be discussed. The object oriented software development is a kind of promising software methodology and leading to awholly new way for solving problems. In the research on the rapid construction of Structured Development Envi-ronment (SDE) that supports detailed design and coding in software development, a generator that can gener-ate the SDE has been applied as a metatool. The kernel of SDE is a syntax-directed editor based on the ob-ject-oriented concepts. The key issue in the design of SDE is how to represent the elements of target languagewith the class concept and a program internally. In this paper, the key concepts and design of the SDE and itsgenerator as well as the implementation of a prototype are to be discussed.
总参第63研究所研制的军用便携式微机内存扩充板和调制解调器,已于1991年12月3日在总参通信部指挥自动化局主持下通过了技术鉴定。军用便携式微机内存扩充板的特点是: 1.电
摘 要: 作文教学的实用性与创新性问题是值得分析与探讨的话题,不仅仅关系到高中阶段学生的成绩考核,还关系到学生综合能力的提高。本文主要分析语文  随着新形势教学的改革,传统教学理念已经不能适应现今教育的需求。转变教学理念,加强对学生素质能力的培养是高中语文作文教学的首要目标。因此,教师应当加强对学生基础水平的了解,对学生的写作能力适当评估,从而采取恰当的策略找寻高中语文作文教学的切入点,促进高中语
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