如诗如画的江南春色,哀怨凄美的悲剧情缘,满腔激情的爱国情结, 历尽沧桑的风雨故园……这就是河南省豫剧三团新近排演的大型现代戏《风雨故园》给我的总体形象。此剧公演后受到了各年龄层、各阶层观众的青睐,并引起了戏剧界专家和同行们的广泛关注。我难奈心中激情,挥笔道出《风雨故园》中灵与肉的挣扎, 心和心的交融,血与火的洗礼,情和爱的真诚! 《风雨故园》由著名青年剧作家陈涌泉先生编剧,描写了鲁迅先生与
Picturesque spring of Jiangnan, sad and poignant tragedy, filled with passionate patriotic complex, experienced the vicissitudes of life hometown ... ... This is Henan Province Henan Opera three recently rehearsal of the large-scale modern drama “hometown of wind and rain,” gave me the overall image. After the performance of the show by all ages, all levels of viewers of all ages, and attracted the theater industry experts and colleagues of widespread concern. I was hard-hearted passion, swirling out of the “Wind and the Storm homeland” spirit and flesh struggle, heart and heart blend, the baptism of blood and fire, love and love sincerely! “The hometown of wind and rain” by the famous young playwright Chen Yongquan Screenwriter, described Mr. Lu Xun and