在植物中有不少同名异物的种类,像金雀、染料木、苏格兰金雀儿都因花朵像展翅欲飞的鸟雀,而有金雀花或“金雀儿”的别名。虽然它们都属豆科植物,但却不同属,其形态、习性都有着很大的差异,是三种完全不同的植物。金雀金雀花(Caragana sinica)也称锦鸡儿、金雀儿、黄金雀、酱瓣子、飞来凤、铁扫帚、豹皮鞭,为豆科锦鸡儿属落叶灌木,茎直立丛生,皮有丝状剥落,树
There are many species of plants of the same name, such as gold sparrows, dyestuffs, scots birds, birds of prey, wings of gorse, or alias. Although they are legumes, but not the genus, its morphology, habits have a great difference, is three completely different plants. Caragana sinica (Caragana sinica), also known as Caragana, golden passerine, goldfinch, sauce petals, Feilai Feng, iron broom, leopard whip, legume Caragana deciduous shrub, stem erect tufted skin Silky flakes, tree