Jiangdu First Pumping Station is the first large-scale siphon-type axial flow pump station built in China. It sets the purpose of vacuuming system to reduce the starting lift. After construction of similar pumping stations, have set up a vacuum system. In the early 1980s, many experts published an article fully affirmed the vacuum start-up to reduce the starting lift, reduce the start-up vibration, in the siphon axial-flow pump station has an indispensable role. In 1987, the ministerial pumping station technical specifications design sub-section also appeared in “11.3.1 Siphon outlet channel or not pumping water pumping stations, should be set vacuum system” such a provision. However, the long-term operation of large pumping stations has proved that vacuum pumping does not solve the problems that the siphon axial-flow pump may start vibrating for a long time and reduce the maximum starting lift.