我院自1983年以来,采用哈尔滨制药五厂提供的消痤片(硫酸锌片)治疗寻常性痤疮222例,现将临床观察结果报告如下: 一、病例选择及分型本组病人均为门诊病例,共258例,复诊病例222例;其中男性118例,女性104例;30岁以下215例,30岁以上7例,最小年龄为13岁,最大为42岁;病程最短者为一周,最长者为20年。根据临床表现分五型,见下表: 二、治疗方法消痤片,每片含硫酸锌200mg(含元素锌45mg)。一日三次,每次二片,饭后服。本组单纯口服硫酸锌208例,合用
Our hospital since 1983, the Harbin Pharmaceutical Factory 5 to provide acne tablets (zinc sulfate tablets) for the treatment of 222 cases of acne vulgaris, the clinical observations are reported as follows: First, the patient selection and classification of patients in this group were outpatient There were 258 cases and 222 referral cases, including 118 males and 104 females; 215 under 30 years old and 7 cases over 30 years old, the youngest was 13 years old and the oldest was 42 years old; The elderly are 20 years old. According to the clinical manifestations of five types, see the table below: Second, the treatment of acne tablets, each containing zinc sulfate 200mg (containing elemental zinc 45mg). Three times a day, two tablets each, after meals. This group of simple oral zinc sulfate 208 cases, combined