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阳春三月,春暖花开,国人期盼的全国两会——全国政协十一届二次会议、十一届全国人大二次会议将分别于3月3日和3月5日在首都北京隆重召开。今年的“两会”与往年不同,在全球金融海啸持续蔓延,国内经济发展不确定因素明显增加,国内不稳定事端频发造成内耗的大背景下召开的。在这样的宏观背景下,在这样的严峻形势下,我国去年的各项工作开展和落实得如何?今年全国经济社会发展的预期总目标是什么?国人又将采取哪些措施予以应对?这在参加全国两会的代表和委员们心里又打上了一个怎样的问号,他们的风采又将如何展现,让我们一同走近他们,共同关注“反腐倡廉”、“医疗改革食品、药品安全”、“收入分配”、“就业问题”、“教育公平”、“住房问题”、“司法公正”、“依法行政”等热点、焦点问题。 Spring March, spring, the people look forward to the two sessions of the CPPCC National Committee - the Second Session of the Eleventh CPPCC National Committee, the Second Session of the Eleventh National People’s Congress on March 3 and March 5 respectively, held in the capital Beijing grand . This year’s “two sessions” are different from those in previous years. Held in the context of the global financial tsunami continuing to spread, the uncertainties in domestic economic growth and the internal friction caused by frequent instability in the Mainland, the two sessions are different. Under such a macro-economic background, under such a grim situation, what are the tasks for carrying out and implementing various tasks in our country last year? What are the expected general goals for the national economic and social development this year and what measures will the people take? Representatives and members of the NPC and CPPCC National Committee have put a question mark on their hearts and how their demeanor will appear. Let us work together to approach them and jointly pay attention to “combating corruption and promoting clean government.” “The medical reform of food, drug safety, ”Income Distribution “, ”Employment Problems “, ”Education Equity “, ”Housing Problems “, ”Justice “ and ”Administration by Law " and other hot and key issues.
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普利司通美国轮胎公司近日推出了一款V和W速度级的超高性能轮胎——Potenza RE-11轮胎。这款轮胎运用了Stealth技术,提高了湿路面排水性能;独特的胎侧花纹形状及径向隐形花纹
我是一名摩托车爱好者,读了《摩托车》所登郭顺兴同志的《“一槽双环”在四冲程发动机上的尝试》后,使我产生与大家交流的想法。现也把我的“一槽双环” I am a motorcycle
产品名称规格型号产地批发价 /零售价99置物箱套 - - /125A/C放大器AG1027日本 - /250.97奥拓车衣AG1080江苏 - /214.50半轴 - - /455保险丝盒装车 - /45背门焊接总成A12 -24
11月9日,米其林公司在中国正式发布了第二代米其林X ICE冬季轮胎-X ICEXI2。作为新一代冬季轮胎,米其林X ICE XI2采用了特殊的技术和胎面设计,使新产品的冰面制动距离比上一
新的燃油加油机检定规程JJG443 -1998 ,与JJG443 1986规程相比 ,更正了误差计算公式 ,增加了小流量检定、计量管理、定型鉴定及试验方法等新的内容 ,无疑是我国计量检定规程逐步与国际接轨的一大