在中国,2012年国务院通过草案,允许女职工享受98天的产假。在美国,女性有12周的无薪产假。然而,在宝贝刚出生的日子里,父亲却得继续工作,把家庭留给了妻子,缺失了父亲应有的关爱。那么,男性是不是也应该有“产假”陪伴家庭呢?今年3月8日,好莱坞著名演员安妮·海瑟薇作为联合国亲善大使(UN Goodwill Ambassador)站上了演讲台,对美国产假制度提出了疑问:只有女性应该休“产假”吗?安妮·海瑟薇初为人母,
In China, the State Council passed a draft in 2012 that allows women workers to enjoy 98 days of maternity leave. In the United States, women have 12 weeks of unpaid maternity leave. However, during the birth of her newborn baby, her father has to continue working to leave her family to her wife, missing the dear father’s care. March 8 this year, the famous Hollywood actress Anne Hathaway as the UN Goodwill Ambassador (UN Goodwill Ambassador) stood on the podium, the United States maternity leave system Raised the question: Only women should take “maternity”? Anne Hathaway early mothers,