百年华诞仰伟人,浩劫诬陷震寰瀛。 赤胆忠心昭日月,丰功伟绩冠群伦。 太钢幸会尝亲炙,教诲嘉箴永志循。 告慰英灵遗愿展,国强民富九州新。 今年11月24日是少奇同志诞辰一百周年,也是他视察太钢40周年的日子。当时我任太钢第三炼钢厂副厂长兼主任工程师,有幸陪他在车间参观,亲聆教诲,抚今思昔,缅怀德泽,少奇同志的音容笑貌,顿时展现在眼前,多少往事犹如翻滚的潮水涌上心头。 1958年2月26日,阳光灿烂,春意盎然。下午两点多钟,几辆鱼贯而行的小轿车,驶进十里钢城,停留在电炉炼钢车间门口。少奇同志从第一辆车内走出来,他穿着黑呢大衣,围着一条格格围巾,微笑着和欢迎的人们热烈握手。在省市委和太钢领导的陪同下,他步履刚健地走进车间。工人们早就从照片上认识了他,大家一看是刘主席来了,很快掌声雷动,整个车间立刻沸腾起来。少奇同志边走边向鼓掌欢迎的工人们招手致意。
Centenary of the great man of honor, havoc framed earthquake Huan Ying. Chibi loyal Zhao Riyuu, Feng Gong Wei achievements Coronet Lun. TISCO Fortunately, tasting the pro-Sunburn, teach Ji Zhen Yong Zhi. Soothing the British dream of last resort, the country strong people rich new Kyushu. November 24 this year marks the 100th anniversary of Comrade Shaoqi’s birth and also marks the 40th anniversary of his visit to Taigang. At that time, I was the deputy director and chief engineer of the Third Steel Works of TISCO. I was fortunate enough to accompany him in the workshop to visit and teach, to recite the past, to cherish the memory of Deze and Comrade Shaoqi, and to show immediately how many events Tide tide surging in my heart. February 26, 1958, bright sunshine, spring. More than two o’clock in the afternoon, a few cars going all along, into the Shili Steel City, stay in the electric steel shop door. Comrade Shaoqi stepped out of the first car, shaking his hand in a black coat, a square scarf, smiling and welcoming people. Accompanied by provincial and municipal leaders and TISCO leaders, he walked into the workshop steadily. Workers have long known him from the pictures. Everyone saw that President Liu came and quickly applauded the whole workshop immediately. Comrade Shaoqi waved greetings to the applauded workers.