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(一)小便不利,同病异治例1:龚某,女,37岁。农民。1962年9月6日初诊。患者小便频数,少腹胀急,延一医,谓为膀胱气化失司,与五苓散,不应,就诊于余。诊其脉,沉而弦,询其因,自谓少儿时曾患此病,已20余年未发。此次月经未潮者两年有余,前月至而不畅,且挟紫块,经后数日,便罹此病。现腰下胀痛,小腹窘急,溺意频数,黄赤涩痛,溺后带血,辗转不安;察其舌,萎白中隐现暗黑。诊为败血淤阻,压迫尿道,治宜活血祛淤。拟:桃仁9克玄明粉12克大黄9克桂枝4.5克川牛膝12克生蒲黄12克五灵脂9克香附12克当归9克黄芩12克黄连6克甘草3克,1剂,煎服。复诊(9月8日):服上方后,诸症大减,溺色尚稍赤,次数减少,溺时仅微痛,再以原方去芩、连加生地9克,1剂而愈。 (1) Unfavorable urination, different treatment of the same disease Case 1: Gong Mou, female, 37 years old. Farmers. Newly diagnosed on September 6, 1962. Frequent urination of the patient, less abdominal bloating, delay a doctor, said that the bladder gasification lost the Secretary, and Wuyi San, should not be treated more than. He has diagnosed his pulse and asked him why he had suffered from the disease when he was young. He has not made it for more than 20 years. There were more than two years of menstruation before the tide, and the previous month was not very smooth. In the following few days, the disease became paralyzed. The pain in the lower back, the urgency in the lower abdomen, the frequency of obnoxiousness, the pain in the yellow, the pain in the red, the blood in the back, and the restlessness; Diagnosed as seborrheic obstruction, oppression of the urethra, expelling blood stasis. Ingredients: peach kernel 9 g Xuan Ming powder 12 g rhubarb 9 g cassia 4.5 g Chuan Kikuji 12 g raw Puhuang 12 g Wulingzhi 9 g Cyperus rotundus 12 g Angelica 9 g Astragalus 12 g Coptidis 6 g Licorice 3 g 1 Decoction. Return visit (September 8th): After taking the top of the clothes, the symptoms were greatly reduced, and the color was slightly red, the number of times was reduced, and only slight pain was found in the eyes. Then the original side was removed, and the original habitat was added with 9 grams of 1 dose.
蓑衣莲(Aster auriculatus Franch)又名耳叶紫菀、银线菊等,为菊科紫菀属多年生草本植物,民间用作消炎,镇咳、治蛇伤药,全草可入药,但以根部为佳。蓑衣莲的化学成分研究,未见
世界首富盖茨敛财的速度快得惊人,仅用 13年时间就积累了一笔庞大的资产,美国的传媒常常不由自由地将他神化。盖茨究竟有什么投资秘方呢 ?他是如何打理这份巨额资产的呢 ?  
例1 周某,男,35岁,1984年8月1日就诊。 5天前因吃禾虫,数小时后出现身痒不适,夜间尤甚,整夜不眠,次晨全身出现针尖状散在性红色斑疹,两腿内侧赤色成片,伴口渴、尿黄、大便2