珠寶首飾行業是最重視職業道德的行業之一。道德,是一種社會意識形態,它是人們共同生活及行為的準則與規范。職業,則是一個人在社會中所從事的為其主要生活費用來源的工作。職業道德,就是你所從事工作應遵守的準則。很久以來,不僅在中國,在世界各地的珠寶首飾行業,都有本行業的職業道德與行為規范,這些道德與行為規范,最重要的,歸結為一句話,就是“忌欺”。在這個行業中,絕對不允許有欺騙的行為,否則你会名聲很壞,受到同行的齊聲譴責。下述種種行為,均可被認為是沒有職業道德和違背行規的: ——把假的仿製品說成是合成的。
Jewelry industry is the most emphasis on professional ethics of the industry. Morality is a social ideology, which is the code and norms that people live together and act together. Occupation is the work of a person in society that is the source of his main cost of living. Professional ethics is the norm you should follow in your work. For a long time, not only in China but also in the jewelry industry all over the world, there is a code of professional ethics and codes of conduct in the industry. The most important of these codes of ethics and behavior are summed up as “avoid bullying.” In this industry, absolutely not allowed to cheat, or you will be a bad reputation, by colleagues in unison condemned. All of the following actions may be considered as unethical and unruly: - The fake imitations are said to be synthetic.