编辑“是蹩脚文章的救星,是戏剧化结尾的发明家,是无情的删改高手”。 对一个真正的编辑来说,文稿上的“烧杀掳掠”事件是经常发生的,“把一份文稿从七百页删到四百页,更改书名,再重新调整章节,使原稿展现春雷乍响的开头、峰回路转的结局,不过一天之内的工作”。
Editor “is the savior of the crappy article, is the inventor of the dramatic end, is inexorably censored master ”. For a true editor, the incident of “burning and plundering” on a document often happens, “to delete a document from seven hundred pages to four hundred pages, change the title, and readjust the chapter so that The original manuscript shows the beginning of the spring thunder, the peak turnaround, but within a day’s work ”.