腐败问题是一种复杂的社会现象 ,反腐败不仅要治标 ,更要治本 ,加强反腐败斗争的环境建设是治本的重要途径。本文着重论述了在反腐败斗争中加强环境建设的重要性 ,提出切实加强政治环境、法制环境、经济环境、道德环境和社会心理环境建设 ,对于防止和消除腐败问题具有重要的意义
Corruption is a complicated social phenomenon. Anti-corruption not only needs to be a temporary solution, but also requires a permanent solution to the problem. Strengthening environmental protection in the struggle against corruption is an important way to cure this problem. This article focuses on the importance of strengthening environmental construction in the struggle against corruption and proposes that the construction of political environment, legal environment, economic environment, moral environment and social psychology should be strengthened in a substantial way, which is of great significance for the prevention and elimination of corruption