中国革命货币,主要是指在中国共产党的领导下进行的土地革命时期、第二次国内革命战争时期、抗日战争时期、解放战争时期,由党和革命根据地政权领导的革命金融机构所发行流通的货币。纵观中国革命货币史,我们发现了一个非常奇特的现象, 上列四个革命时期内,鄂豫皖地区,均建立了金融机构,开展了金融业务,发行流通了革命货币。这在全国是独一无二的。因此,鄂豫皖地区革命货币在中国货币史上占有极其重要的地位。
The Chinese revolutionary currency mainly refers to the circulation circulated by the revolutionary financial institutions led by the party and the revolutionary base areas during the period of the Agrarian Revolution under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, the Second Revolutionary Civil War, the Anti-Japanese War, the War of Liberation, currency. Looking at the history of the Chinese revolution and currency, we found a very strange phenomenon. During the four revolutionary periods above, all the regions in Hubei, Henan and Anhui Provinces established financial institutions, started the financial business and issued and circulated the revolutionary currency. This is unique across the country. Therefore, the revolutionary currencies in the regions of Hubei, Henan and Anhui occupy an extremely important place in the history of Chinese currency.