来源于人流组织的蜕膜和绒毛膜,异种接种于发育8d的鸡胚绒毛尿囊膜(ChickenChorioallantoic Membrane,CAM)上,进行在体培养观察10d.将378块绒毛膜和808块蜕膜组织分别种植于69和122个鸡胚,鸡胚胎存活率分别为86.96%和98.36%(P<0.01),种植组织成活率分别为93.62%和93.81%;种植组织于在体培养过程中,CAM表面产生血管增生及出血现象,出血率分别为41.67%和20.37%(P<0.05).两种组织种植后均无异种排斥反应和炎症反应发生.建立CAM在体培养模型,简便快速,观察方便,可同时进行大样本实验,是一种很好的实验手段.
The decidua and chorion originated from the inflow tissue were inoculated on the chicken chorioallantoic Membrane (CAM) for 8 days and observed in vivo for 10 days. 378 chorionic and 808 decidual tissues Survival rates of chicken embryos grown in 69 and 122 chicken embryos were 86.96% and 98.36% (P <0.01), respectively. Survival rates of planting tissues were 93.62% and 93.81%, respectively. Vascular hyperplasia and hemorrhage, bleeding rates were 41.67% and 20.37% (P <0.05) .No xenograft rejection and inflammatory reaction occurred in both tissues after implantation.CAM in vivo culture model was established, which was simple and rapid, easy to observe, At the same time large sample experiments, is a good experimental method.