For a long time, the key to distinguishing between ordinary embezzlement and theft was considered to be the determination of who owes the ex ante property. However, the reality shows that this seemingly clear logic of distinction brings us into a difficult position to persuade each other to find out. If we change our thinking and proceed from the premise of legislator setting ordinary embezzlement crime as absolute pro-condemnation, we can find that the establishment of ordinary embezzlement crime is based on the law that the victim has the right to resort to private remedies or to seek compensation Possibilities are basic conditions. Therefore, the key point of the two crimes deducted is no longer antecedent property possession status, but whether the perpetrator’s infringement has the possible typological feature that undermines the victim’s self-help remedy, that is, the behavior of the perpetrator has self-help remedy The possible typological features of law, regardless of who is in possession of the property in advance, establish a system of theft without ceasing to be an instrument of embezzlement.