苹果无毒化集约化栽培的几个问题河北农业大学园艺系保定071001马宝 果树无毒化、集约化栽培是当今世界果树生产的发展趋势,具有高产、优质、高效益等优点,所以,非常适合我国人多地少这一国情,是我国果树栽培的发展方向。兹就苹果无毒化、集约化栽培问题,阐述...
Apple non-toxic intensive cultivation of several issues Hebei Agricultural University, Department of Horticulture Baoding 071001 Ma Po fruit trees non-toxic, intensive cultivation of fruit trees in today’s world production trends, with high yield, high quality, high efficiency, etc. Therefore, it is very suitable for our country This national situation with fewer people and more is the development direction of fruit tree cultivation in our country. Apple is non-toxic, intensive cultivation problems, elaborate ...