IBM公司 10月3日推出具有中大型机可靠性和可伸缩性的新一代服务器。这种服务器是IBM与其它许多公司从3年前发起的“ Project Mach1”计划的产物。采用了铜芯片、绝缘体之上硅和eX扩充存储器等技术;支持开发新应用的开放式标准。这次推出的服务器共有
IBM introduced a new generation of servers with medium and mainframe reliability and scalability on October 3. This server is the product of Project Mach1, which IBM and many other companies launched three years ago. Adopting technologies such as copper chips, silicon on insulator, and eX expansion memory; open standards for new applications. The launch of the server