The boy is 12 years old. He had a right ear pus since childhood and he had undergone a radical mastoidectomy at a hospital in June 1989. Three months after the operation, the right ear repeatedly blew and was admitted to our hospital in February 1990. Physical examination: There was a 1.2×1×0.6 cm granulation in the right ear, and a 2×1.5 cm mass behind the right ear. Skull base film shows: the local density of the right frontal bone is low, the structure is chaotic, the local density of the right mastoid is low, and there is foreign matter inside. Impression: The frontal metastasis tumors are discharged. During surgery, there were semicircular neoplasms in the papillae with a smooth surface and unclear borders, resembling scar tissue. The mastoid cavity filled with grape swollen