肺血流图(Pulmonary Rheogram简写PRG)能反映肺部血循环状况,动物实验和临床实践都曾验证,由于其具有仪器较简单,操作方便,病人无痛苦等优点,故各地正逐渐推广使用。但目前有关正常人的肺血流图资料报导较少,尤其是各区域性肺血流图各部位参数的分析更为少见。为此对111名正常人进行了肺血流图(包括区域性肺血流图及右全肺血流图)的探讨。一、对象和方法 (一)对象被测人员系无呼吸系统疾患的学生,工人及干部,年龄自10~52岁不等,其中男性57名,女性54名,按性别、年龄分组。 (二)仪器测定仪器采用上海等一医学院仪器修配厂制造的电桥式血流图仪,振荡频率为40千赫,标准信号采用250毫欧姆,输入信号接入国产XDY-1双导程心电心音图仪加以描记,走纸速度大多为25毫米/
Pulmonary blood flow diagram (Pulmonary Rheogram abbreviation PRG) can reflect the status of pulmonary blood circulation, animal experiments and clinical practice have been verified, due to its equipment is simple, easy to operate, patient painless, etc., it is gradually promoted around the use. However, there are few reports about pulmonary blood flow data of normal people at present, especially the analysis of the parameters of various parts of regional pulmonary blood flow chart. To this end, 111 normal subjects underwent pulmonary blood flow diagram (including regional pulmonary blood flow diagram and right pulmonary blood flow diagram). I. Subjects and Methods (I) Subjects The test subjects were students, workers and cadres without respiratory diseases. The ages ranged from 10 to 52 years old, of which 57 were males and 54 females, grouped by sex and age. (B) of the instrument used in the Shanghai Instrument Factory, a medical device repair factory bridge bridge hematoscope instrument, the oscillation frequency of 40 kHz, the standard signal using 250 milliohms, the input signal access to domestic XDY-1 dual-lead ECG plethysmography to be traced, take the paper speed mostly 25 mm /