
来源 :中国医疗设备 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qingxu007
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高血压是一种严重危害人类健康的疾病,血压测量的准确性和可靠性尤为重要。可穿戴血压测量设备能够准确地反映机体的连续血压变化,在诊断高血压、评价高血压疗效与预后及判断靶器官损害等方面都具有非常重要的意义。本文就可穿戴血压测量设备的分类及其在医疗领域的应用现状进行剖析,并探讨其在该领域所面临的问题。“,”Hypertension is a serious disease to harm human health, and the accuracy and reliability of blood pressure monitoring plays a crucial role in it. Wearable blood pressure monitoring device can accurately relfect the continuous changes of the user’s blood pressure, therefore it is of great signiifcance in the diagnosis, treatment efifcacy evaluation, prognosis and determination of target organ damage of hypertension. This paper takes an in-depth analysis of the classiifcation and application status of wearable blood pressure monitoring device in medical ifeld, as well as existed problems.
过敏是一种“文明病”。北京协和医院变态反应科主任尹佳说,无论在发达国家,还是发展中国家,过敏的发病率都呈逐年升高的趋势。  过敏困扰全球几亿人  过敏是一种“文明病”。据华中科技大学同济医学院附属武汉同济医院过敏反应科主任刘光辉介绍,发达地区和城市人口的发病比例高于非发达地区和乡村;高收入人群高于低收入人群;城市里家庭条件好的孩子比低薪阶层的孩子更容易患过敏性疾病;年幼人群发病率大大高于中老年人群