金针菇〈Collybia ualutipes〉又名冬菇、朴菇、金钱菌、毛柄金钱菌、构菌等,属于担子菌纲、伞菌目、口蘑科、金钱菌属。在自然界中常丛生于构树、榆树、枫树、槭树、桑树和柳树等的枯杆树桩之上。是一种耐寒性食用菌。其味鲜美、质地脆嫩、营养丰富。据资料介绍,每百克干菇中含粗蛋白高达31.25克,粗脂肪5.78克。富含维生素C、维生素B_2等多种维生素物质,蛋白质中含8种人体必需氨基酸,尤以精氨酸、赖氨酸含量特别丰富,经常食用可以调节生长发育,增强智力。对防治肝脏和肠、胃等消化系统
Flammulina , also known as mushrooms, mushrooms, money bacteria, hairy money bacteria, bacteria, etc., belonging to Basidiomycetes, toadstools, Tricholomaceae, money genus. In nature often clusters in the boughs, elm, maple, maple, mulberry and willow trees such as the dead rod stump above. Is a cold-resistant edible mushrooms. Its delicious, crisp texture, nutrient-rich. According to the information, per 100 grams of dried mushrooms containing crude protein up to 31.25 grams, 5.78 grams of crude fat. Rich in vitamin C, vitamin B_2 and other vitamin substances, the protein contains 8 essential amino acids, especially arginine, lysine content is particularly rich in regular consumption can regulate growth and enhance intelligence. On the prevention and treatment of the liver and intestines, stomach and other digestive system