初级阶段思想政治工作应该建基于社会主义初级阶段这一基础之上。初级阶段官兵思想行为的最大特点是主动趋利倾向的明朗化、主导化 ,由此导致求利方式的多样化、价值观念的多样化、生活方式的多样化、人际关系的民主化交互化、个体差异日益明显化 ;其思想觉悟的整体状况也呈现“两头小”的层级格局。初级阶段思想政治工作的着眼点应该是初级阶段具有中等思想觉悟的官兵。只有制定相应层级但指向与根本目标一致的目标内容体系 ,正确认识、利用、维护官兵思想行为的积极面 ,才能通过维护官兵的应得利益激发他们的积极性 ,进而结合其它战斗力要素实现思想政治建设的伟大使命
The ideological and political work in the initial stage should be based on the initial stage of socialism. The most prominent feature of the ideological and behavioral behavior of officers and soldiers in the initial stage is the facilitation and dominance of the proactive trend of profit reduction, which has led to the diversification of ways of seeking benefits, the diversification of values, the diversification of lifestyles, the democratization of interpersonal relationships, Individual differences are increasingly obvious; the overall state of his ideological consciousness also shows a “two small” hierarchy. The initial stage of ideological and political work should focus on the initial stage of the middle-level ideological and political officers and men. Only by formulating the appropriate level but pointing to the target content system consistent with the fundamental goal and correctly understanding, using and maintaining the positive aspects of the ideological behavior of officers and soldiers, can we motivate their enthusiasm by safeguarding the deserved interests of officers and soldiers, and then realize the ideological and political building in combination with other elements of combat effectiveness Great mission