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海沧是一个较晚进行城镇化的区域,具有“外来人口聚居、农村集体土地大量国有化、城镇化带来大范围拆迁、本地人口保持划村而居”等鲜明的特点。这些特点给法院的执行工作带来了巨大的挑战。2010年以来,海沧法院执行局为了从涉农执行中探索出规律,破解涉农执行难问题,推行“一案一跟踪”机制,课题组对2010—2013年度海沧法院受理的4441件案件中影响执行的因素进行了统计,并以该数据为基础,对影响涉农执行的因素进行了分析,试图从中获得破解涉农执行难的方案及对策。 Haicang is a later urbanization area with distinctive characteristics such as “” the population from outside is inhabited, the massive nationalization of rural collective land and the urbanization bring about a large-scale demolition, and the local population stays in the village. “ These characteristics have brought great challenges to the implementation of the court. Since 2010, the Executive Board of Haicang Court explored the law from the agriculture-related implementation, solved the difficult problem of agriculture-related implementation, and implemented the ”one case and one follow-up" mechanism. The research team analyzed the 4441 cases accepted by Haicang Court in 2010-2013 According to the statistics, the factors influencing the implementation of agriculture-related agriculture were analyzed in order to get the solutions and countermeasures to solve the problems of agriculture-related implementation.