一、阴极框架及极线振打加速度实测与分析 1.测试目的电除尘器常常因电晕线的积灰而使电压下降,影响除尘效率,为了探索极线上积灰的原因,1979年我们在邵武电厂2号电除尘器上测定了阴极线和阴极框架上的振打加速度。在测试过程中分别采用机械振打(即阴极顶部脱勾振打)与用人工把阴极锤提高使其自由下落进行振打(类似于侧部振打)两种振打方法。测定的目的在于:了解极线上的振打加速度的大小及其分布规律;比较阴极顶部脱勾振打及侧向振打的效果;分析框
First, the cathode frame and pole vibration measurement and analysis of speed 1. Testing purposes ESP often due to the fouling of the corona wire voltage drop, affecting the efficiency of dust removal, in order to explore the cause of accumulation of ash on the line, in 1979 we The vibration acceleration on the cathodic and cathodic frames was measured on No.2 electrostatic precipitator in Shaowu Power Plant. During the test, two types of rapping methods, mechanical rapping (ie, removing the hook from the top of the cathode) and a rapping (similar to side rapping) by manually raising the cathode hammer to drop freely. The purpose of the determination is to understand the magnitude and distribution of the acceleration of the polar line and to compare the effects of the de-lapping and lateral vibration of the top of the cathode.