参透“空白期” 瓷艺流清晖——试论明代正统、景泰、天顺青花瓷画艺术(上)

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引言明代永乐年间,景德镇御窑厂生产的宫廷用瓷开始书写帝王年号款,以后历代官窑都写本朝年号款成为定式,只有明代正统(1436—1449年)、景泰(1450—1456年)、天顺(1457—1464年)三朝未发现官窑款识瓷器,而有断代价值的民窑瓷器也很稀少。因此,这段时期的瓷器面貌浑沌不清,扑朔迷离,陶瓷史学者称之为“空白期”。近些年来,随着海内外陶瓷考古发掘(陆地和水下)的进展,有关“空白期”瓷器的资料逐渐丰富起来,有学者进行过分类、排比研究,初步勾画出“空白期”瓷器的轮廓特征(见王志敏《明初景德镇窑“空白点”瓷》,载《中国陶瓷》1982年第3、4、5期)。但是仍有许多问题混淆不清,也未曾探讨“空白期”瓷画的艺术特征。本文以各大博物馆馆藏和著名收藏家珍藏的陶瓷、考古发掘出土瓷片为素材,结合上世纪80年代以来景德镇陶瓷馆复制元、明初青花瓷研究的成果,包括笔者参与其中的心得体验,分析“空白期”青花瓷的彩绘工艺和艺术特征,兼与元、明初青花瓷装饰作比较研究。 Introduction During the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, the imperial court made with the porcelain made by the Imperial Kiln in Jingdezhen began to write the emperors’ reign number. After that, the archaic kilns in each dynasty were written as the proverbial reign. Only the Ming Dynasty (1436-1449), Jingtai (1450-1456) ), Tianshun (1457-1464) did not find official porcelain kiln porcelain in the three dynasties, and there are very ancient folk porcelain wares dating back to ancient times. Therefore, this period of porcelain looks chaotic, confusing, ceramic historians call it “blank period.” In recent years, with the progress of ceramic archeological excavation (land and underwater) both at home and abroad, the information about the “blank” porcelain has gradually been enriched. Some scholars conducted classification and row comparison studies and initially outlined the “blank period ”Contour features porcelain (see Wang Zhimin“ early Ming Jingdezhen kiln ”blank “ porcelain ”, containing“ Chinese ceramics ”in 1982 3,4,4). However, there are still many problems that are confused and the artistic features of “blank period” porcelain are not discussed. In this paper, the museums and collections by the famous collectors of ceramic, archaeological excavations unearthed tiles as the material, combined with the last century since the 80s of Jingdezhen Ceramic Museum replica elements, the achievements of the Ming and Qing porcelain research, including the experience of the author to participate in the experience, analysis “Blank period ” blue and white porcelain painting process and artistic characteristics, and Yuan and early Ming and Qing porcelain decoration for comparative study.
生命体征测量值在临床医务人员的工作交流中,为讲求沟通效率,很多时候会用缩略形式。注意:temp=temperature体温,BP=blood pressure血压,resp=respirations呼吸,Obs=Observati
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