1、通古斯大爆炸 1908年6月30日凌晨,俄国通古斯高空发生不明原因大爆炸,造成大量人员伤亡,大面积树木被毁。2、北美黑风暴 1934年5月11日凌晨,美国西部草原地区发生了一场人类历史上空前未有的黑色风暴。风暴所经之处,溪水断流,田地龟裂,牲畜渴死,千万人流离失所。3、伦敦大烟雾 1952年12月4日起,伦敦城的浓雾将近一周不散,有4700多人因呼吸道病而死亡;雾散以后又有8000多人死于非命。4、智利大海啸 1960年5月22日,智利发生8.9级地震。大震过后,接踵引发了大海啸,造成200多万人无家可归。5、秘鲁大雪崩 1970年5月31日,秘鲁安第斯山脉的瓦斯卡兰山峰发生大雪崩,造成两万居民死亡,受灾面积达23平方公里。
1. Tunguska Big Bang In the early hours of June 30, 1908, an unexplained explosion in high altitude in Tunguska, Russia, caused heavy casualties and destroyed a large area of trees. 2. North American Black Storm At midnight on May 11, 1934, an unprecedented black storm in the history of the United States occurred in the western United States grassland. Where the storms hit, stream breaks, fields cracked, livestock thirst, millions of people displaced. 3. Great Smog in London Since December 4, 1952, the dense fog in the city of London has been stagnating for almost a week. More than 4,700 people have died of respiratory diseases. More than 8,000 people died in the fog. 4, Chile tsunami May 22, 1960, Chile 8.9 earthquake. After the earthquake, they triggered a large tsunami that left over 2 million people homeless. 5. Avalanche in Peru On May 31, 1970, a large avalanche occurred in the Huascaran peak in the Peruvian Andes, killing 20,000 residents and affected 23 km2 of land.