Like other Internet applications, VoIP was considered as foreign by traditional telcos and government security agencies for a long time after its birth. Floods, beasts, spoilers, and the like all sorts of nonsense words for VoIP. With the development of the Internet and IP technologies, the all-IP business trend has been established and the traditional telecom business is no exception. In order to remain competitive, traditional telcos must have the ability to deliver new and profitable IP services, such as IPTV and VoIP services. Perhaps it is understood that “the flood is easy and not easy to block”. As an important stage or component of NGN development, its true value and significance are gradually being discovered and accepted by traditional operators and are being widely promoted. Just recently, at “2005 China IP Voice Network Seminar” sponsored by ETIRI, Liu Xian-song, manager of the new technology department at China Netcom’s Shanghai branch, pointed out that traditional telecom operators should deal with the wave of VoIP and NGN with a positive and pragmatic attitude. He said: “VoIP and NGN have come to our side as a tremendous change in the history of telecommunications technology, and operators are only actively involved in this change. They are aware of their own rules and their rules through in-depth follow-up and trial. In a timely manner will transform the technological advantages of NGN into good economic benefits and core competitiveness of enterprises in order to occupy the initiative in the future market competition, grabbed the initiative. ”“ Communications World ”reporter recently on the VoIP evolution, technology, operations, regulatory and Market trends and other topics visited some industry experts and scholars as well as operators and program provider representatives to show readers a three-dimensional, all-round VoIP.