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  For my dad’s 60th birthday last week, I wanted to do something really fun. My dad and I talk a lot about the past—nostalgia[怀旧] runs in our blood, I think—and we both love to reminisce[追忆]. Inspired by some birthday posters, I started batting around[充分考虑] an idea: what if I could get everyone from my dad’s past to contribute[贡献] a memory they had of him? What if I had all those people send their memories to me, and then I put each one into an envelope—60 total, of course—and had him open them, one by one, on his birthday?
  That would be a lot of memories, right?
  So I wrote an email. I sent it to family, to friends, to aunties and uncles we’d grown up calling aunties and uncles even though they weren’t related by blood. This is what I said: “…If you’re receiving this email, you probably know that our dad, Patrick Burns, is turning 60 next month (much as he would hate us to be reminding everyone, I’m sure). To celebrate his birthday, we’d like to put together a little surprise to let him know that his nearest and dearest are thinking of him. We’re going to try and create ‘60 Years of Memories’ by filling 60 envelopes with a memory his friends and family have of him. If you have a spare[空闲的] moment in the next few days, we would be so grateful if you’d jot down[简短地写下] a favorite memory you have of our dad and put it in the post. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy[特别的]—you can just write it down on a piece of paper and sign your name. You can mention anything you like—although the more nostalgic the better! Please absolutely feel free to send more than one memory, but make sure you write them on different pieces of paper so we can split[分开] them up. Thank you so, so, so much for participating—we know everyone is busy with their own lives, and we do appreciate[感激] you taking a few minutes to do this; it will be so worth it when he reads all the memories people have of him! Please don’t forget to keep it a surprise until then…”
  So I sent the email and then I waited. And then the replies started coming in. I was flabbergasted[感到震惊] and I do not use that word lightly. There were so many memories, and they were all so lovely. They came from the 50s, the 60s, the 70s, from every decade[十年] between now and the day my dad was born. They came from my mother, my siblings[兄弟姐妹], my grandma, my dad’s friends from high school, his sister, an old girlfriend, my mother’s old boyfriend, my dad’s first boss, a colleague at his first job, from people who remembered people no longer with us, from people who hadn’t seen my dad in 40 years, from people I hadn’t even contacted originally but who had been told about the project by someone else. They typed them and handwrote them. They mailed them and emailed them. I collected them for two weeks, my heart pinging[乒乓作响] with excitement each time a new one arrived.   The night before his birthday, my sister and I stayed up late, putting everything together. I had some vintage[经典的] airmail envelopes left over from my wedding and I bought a packet of numbered[编号] stickers[图文标签] after a fraught[焦虑的] half hour of anxious[让人担忧的] math, trying to decide how many we’d need. We numbered the envelopes from one to 60, then we tucked[折进] a different memory into each.
  And then, on the morning of his birthday, after breakfast and presents and cake, we gave them to him. “Just one more thing for you,” we said.
  It took him a really, really, really long time to open them. Each one was a brief ticket to another time, a leap[跳跃] backwards over years and decades into the past. There was a lot of laughter, and—I don’t think my dad will mind me telling you this—a few tears too.
  In a way, I’m sort of sad that this project is over because it was a huge amount of fun to collect and collate[整理] all of these memories, many of them occurring years before I was even born. It gave me a different picture of my dad, one woven together by all the people from his past, all those people who—weirdly and peripherally—put into action the sequence[系列] of events that led to my life as I know it.
  Turns out, you can make a lot of memories in sixty years. And then, if you’re lucky, you can relive[再次体验] them all over again.
大侦探福尔摩斯有多热?看看英美两国相继推出的电视剧就知道了,别忘了还有前几年由小罗伯特·唐尼出演的电影版福尔摩斯呢——当然还有之前数不清的版本。你喜欢谁演的福尔摩斯?“砖家”说,你的选择能反映出你的性格呢,快来看看吧!阅读的同时,别忘了品味作者的幽默感哦。(编辑注:按习惯,文中的Sherlock均译为福尔摩斯。)  P.S.由本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇和马丁·弗里曼主演的BBC版《福尔摩斯》第三季终于在
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Waiting for our departure[离开], something in the sunlight caught my eyes. A moving something. A small moving something. Could it really be? A butterfly had landed on the floor mat[草席] inside the house.
Some people wake up, scared of living the dream  They’ll settle for[勉强接受] anything  Some wanna live an airbrushed[用喷枪上色] world  Like the cover of a magazine  But I believe in thunderbolts[闪电] and butt
I think we all need a pep talk[激励的话].  The world needs you to stop being boring. Yeah, YOU! Boring is easy. Everybody can be boring but you’re “gooder注1” than that. Life is not a game, people. Life is