病例女,45岁。在1%普鲁卡因滴加适量1:100000肾上腺素局麻下,经鼻前庭切口行硅胶鼻型置入隆鼻术。术后1h 出现眼痛、头痛、恶心、视物不清等症状。检查:双眼球结膜混合性充血,角膜发乌,前房变浅,瞳孔中度散大,指压 T_+。检眼镜检查,双侧屈光介质不清,视神经乳头大小正常,边清,未见病理凹陷。追问病史,5年前曾因生气着急致头痛、眼痛、虹视、视物不清。在外院诊断为青光眼,经治疗后症状消失,未坚持用药,故诊断为双侧闭角型青光眼急性
Case female, 45 years old. In 1% procaine drip with the appropriate amount of 1: 100,000 epinephrine local anesthesia, nasal vestibular incision with nasal silicone nasal rhinoplasty. After 1h eye pain, headache, nausea, blurred vision and other symptoms. Check: Mixed conjunctival hyperemia, corneal black hair, shallow anterior chamber, pupil moderate dispersion, acupressure T_ +. Ophthalmoscopy, bilateral refractive media unclear, normal size of the optic nerve, edge clear, no pathological depression. Asked about the medical history, 5 years ago due to anxiety caused by headache, eye pain, rainbow, blurred vision. In the outer hospital diagnosed with glaucoma, the symptoms disappeared after treatment, did not insist on medication, it is diagnosed as bilateral angle-closure glaucoma acute