以管理争市场 求效益图发展

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从某种意义上说,企业的效益只能来自市场,而占领市场要靠竞争.企业竞争的武器,一是靠有适销对路的产品;二是有用户信得过的质量;三是有竞争力的价格.但这一切无一不同企业科学严格的管理密切相关.基础管理是企业参与市场竞争的首要条件作为石油企业抓好基础管理,是一贯的优良传统.大庆石油人的创业史,就是严格基础管理的光辉典范,“三老四严”的大庆精神,严肃认真的基础管理,曾指导我国经济建设创造了一个又一个工业奇迹,直至今日,还在改革开放中闪耀着光彩,被一些成功企业视为参与市场竞争的法宝.突如其来的市场竞争,使得一些企业措手不及,把大量精力放在了对外开拓找市场,忽视企业自身的基础管理,管理粗放,纪律松弛,成本上升,质量下降,造成产品质次价高,缺乏竞争力,反而失去了市场.一边找市场,一边丢市场的教训,说明产品要占领市场,基础管理是重要保障.适应市场抓好基础管理,就是要抓好企业最基本的规章制度和行为规范,这也是企业经营管理不容忽视的一个重点.理想要变为现实,必须有物质和精神的基础做保证,产品要占领市场,必须有优质和低价为基础.企业基本制度和行为规范,是提高劳动效率,提高产品质量,提高职工素质,降低生产成本的基本保证.可以说,是企业参与市场竞争的硬件.现代企业生产的特点,? In a sense, the benefits of the enterprise can only come from the market, and the occupation of the market depends on competition. The weapons of enterprise competition are: first, products that are marketable; the second is the quality that customers trust; the third is competitiveness. The price. But all these are not different. The strict management of the enterprise science is closely related. Basic management is the primary condition for enterprises to participate in market competition. As the oil company grasps the basic management, it is always a fine tradition. The history of the Daqing Petroleum people is strict The glorious model of basic management, the “three old and four strict” Daqing spirit, and the serious and basic management have guided China’s economic construction and created one after another industrial miracle. To this day, it has also shined in the reform and opening up, and has been successful. Enterprises are regarded as magic weapons to participate in market competition. Sudden competition in the market has caused some companies to be caught off guard. They have devoted a lot of energy to exploring the market and ignoring the company’s own basic management, extensive management, loose discipline, rising costs, and deteriorating quality. The product is of high quality and low price, and it lacks competitiveness. Instead, it loses the market. While looking for a market, it loses the market’s lessons and shows that the product has to occupy the market. Field, basic management is an important guarantee. Adapting to the market and grasping basic management means grasping the most basic rules and regulations and codes of conduct of the company. This is also a key point in the management of the enterprise. The ideal must become material and The basis of the spirit is to ensure that products must occupy the market and must be based on high quality and low prices. Basic corporate rules and codes of conduct are basic guarantees for improving labor efficiency, improving product quality, improving the quality of employees, and reducing production costs. It can be said that It is the hardware that enterprises participate in the market competition. The characteristics of modern enterprise production,?