The concept of wreath product of semigroups was initiated by Neumann in 1960, and later on, his concept was used by Preston to investigate the structure of some inverse semigroupsRecently, we start to investigate the structure of left C-rpp semigroups by using wreath productsIn this paper, we modify the wreath product to "dual wreath product" so that we can study the structure of right C-rpp semigroupsWe prove that a semigroup i.s a right C-rpp semigroup if and only if it is the dual wreath product of a rightregular band and a C-rpp semigroupOur theorem provides new insight to the structureof right C-rpp semigroupsIn particular, a recent result given by Ren and Shum for rightC-rpp semigroups is strengthened and enriched.