
来源 :土壤 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:apple2008zxffxz
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红壤和黄棕壤旱改水后的第二、三年均有一个产量下降的过程,如果不注意培肥,这一过程可以持续很长,甚至使旱改水失败。以下蜀黄土发育的黄棕壤为供试土壤,加入1—9%猪粪,模拟水田的水分条件,在温室中培育,在短时间内使土壤形成一个有机质从 In the second and third years after the drought and red-watering of red and yellow-brown soil, there is a process of yield decline. If we do not pay attention to fertilization, this process can last a long time and even make the drought and water fail. The following yellow loess soil developed yellow loess as the test soil, adding 1-9% pig manure, paddy water conditions simulated in the greenhouse cultivation, in a short period of time to make the soil form an organic matter from
患儿女,3岁.右小腿烧伤13 d伴呕吐2 d、昏迷1 d收入笔者单位.伤后曾在院外外用草药4 d,后改用红色药物8 d(药名不详).既往体健.入院后查体:患者昏迷,体温37.8℃,脉搏180次/min,呼吸42次/min,血压78/50 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa),心律齐,心率180次/min,呼吸急促,双肺有明显干、湿性啰音,未闻及病理性杂音.创面干燥,残留少许淡红色无味药