TTL 与非门是使用非常广泛的一种门电路。它的常用静态参数有十余种,常用动态特性曲线有七、八类,再加上有的参数、曲线各个输入端都要分别测试,所以在大批量测试、筛选时,工作量是相当大的。同时,TTL与非门的种类也较多,有单门、双门;有一般与非门、与非功率门;有四输入端、五输入端、八输入端等等。而且新旧型号的管脚排线也不一样。这些,都增加了测试工作的困难。如果能把以上情况都考虑进去,进行综合,制
TTL NAND gate is the use of a very wide range of gate. It has more than ten commonly used static parameters, commonly used dynamic characteristics of seven or eight, plus some parameters, the curve of each input must be tested separately, so in high-volume testing, screening, the workload is quite large of. At the same time, there are many kinds of TTL and non-door, there are single door and double door; there are general NAND door and non-power door; there are four input terminals, five input terminals, eight input terminals and so on. And new and old models of the pin cable is not the same. These have increased the difficulty of testing. If we can take into account the above situation, the comprehensive system