伟大的时代产生伟大的实践,伟大的实践孕育伟大的精神。西柏坡时期(1947年5月至1949年3月)是中国共产党历史上最成功最辉煌的时期之一,是中华民族历史上一个伟大的历史性转折。在这伟大历史转折的实践中,铸就了一种符合时代要求的革命精神——西柏坡精神。 一、西柏坡精神的核心和灵魂 西柏坡时期是中国革命史上的一个聚焦点。这个聚焦点是以中国革命的辉煌胜利为
Great times lead to great practice, and great practice gives birth to great spirit. The Xibaipo period (May 1947 to March 1949) is one of the most successful and splendid times in the history of the Chinese Communist Party and a great historic turning point in the history of the Chinese nation. In the course of this great turning point in history, we have created a revolutionary spirit that meets the requirements of the times - the spirit of Xibaipo. First, the core and soul of Xibaipo Spirit Xibaipo period is a focal point in the history of Chinese revolution. This focal point is based on the brilliant victory of the Chinese revolution